Thank you for your interest in submitting a proposal for the Graduate Student Forums.
All proposals must be submitted online. Mailed or faxed proposals will be not be accepted.
All Proposals: 30 April, 2023 12:00 pm EDT/ 24:00 pm GMT +08.
Submission Process
1. Submit proposal online.
2. When your proposal has been submitted, you will receive a message confirming receipt of your submission online. You can also check the process in your registration account.
Do not mail or fax a duplicate copy of your proposal.
Graduate students whose proposals are accepted can receive a certificate of the Forum. Outstanding students could participate the 2023 Global English Education China Assembly free of charge (accommodation and transportation excluded).
中国文化国际传播 Global Communication of Chinese Culture
以英语为媒介教学 English as a Medium of Instruction
全球胜任力培养 Global Competence Cultivation
数字化学习与技术 Digital Learning and Technologies
教师教育与专业发展 Teacher Education and Professional Development
农村及民族地区的外语教学 EFL Teaching and Learning in Rural Areas and Ethnic Minority Areas
课程设计与教材开发 Curriculum Development and Material Design
阅读与写作教学 Teaching Reading & Writing
语言测试与评估 Language Testing and Assessment
学术研究与发表 Academic Research and Publication
任务型教学 Task-based Language Teaching
双语与多语教育 Bilingual and Multilingual Education
Type of Session
Paper Presentation: 20-minute presentation
Oral presentations that may be delivered individually or as part of a group discussion. Presenters share their ideas, experiences, and perspectives gleaned from their research, practice, or policy background and/or focus. These sessions provide the audience with opportunities for participation and engagement, and they serve as springboards stimulating further discussion, dialogue, reflection, and action.
Poster Session
A summary of an academically sound, scholarly or creative project presented in a visually engaging format, highlighting work through charts, graphs, maps, etc. Proposals should include the main topic(s) and description of the visual display. Presenter(s) should plan on short, informative discussions with convention attendees throughout the entire poster session.
Submission Requirements
Presenters are encouraged to submit and present all in English, including:
Session Title (20 words max)
Session Abstract (250 words max)
Presenter(s) Bio Summary (150 words each presenter)