We are now welcoming abstracts for the 2025 Global English Education China Assembly (TCA) and invite contributions from academics, researchers, teachers, students, and assessment agencies.
Abstract submission is closed as of May5.
Final deadline for abstract submission: May 5
Academic review for proposals: May 5-31
Notification of selection: June 16
Academic review for presentation materials: June 20-July 17
Presentation: the afternoons on July 25 or 26
We welcome abstracts in the following topics:
- Intercultural Communication
- English Literature Reading and Teaching in the Second Language
- English as a Media of Instruction and Research
- Language Teaching Empowered by Artificial Intelligence and Technology
- Drama and Picture Book Teaching
- Teachers' Professional Development
- English Teaching in Rural and Minority Areas
- Language Teaching and Learning Psychology
- Learning Materials Design
- Reading and Writing Teaching
- Vocabulary and Grammar Teaching
- Language Assessment and Testing
- Interdisciplinary Education
- English Teaching for Young Learners
- Multilingualism and Multiculturalism
- International Chinese Language Education and the Overseas Communication of Chinese Culture
We invite abstracts for the presentation formats listed below.
Panel Discussion: 45-minute presentation (including Q&A) , 3–4 presenters
Multiple, short presentations and discussion on a current ELT issue focusing on practice, research, and/or advocacy. Proposals should include a synopsis of issue(s) and a plan for the topic and for each presentation (without listing presenters’ names). Panelists should be recruited prior to proposal submission.
Workshop: 45-minute presentation (including Q&A), 1–3 presenters
Structured hands-on professional development activity tackling an issue or developing a specific teaching or research technique. Proposals should include session goals, a synopsis of the theoretical framework, and a description of workshop tasks and procedures. They should also provide interactive activities in which participants share information, participate in simulations, and/or create materials and action plans.
Mini Workshop: 15-minute presentation (including Q&A), 1–2 presenters
Structured hands-on professional development activity tackling an issue or developing a specific teaching or research technique.
Demonstration: 30-minute presentation (including Q&A), 1 presenter
A session for presenter to demonstrate a teaching design, teaching method or tips etc. by using video equipment individually. Presenter may submit a written teaching design and a real class video clip as required.
Paper Presentation: 15-minute presentation (including Q&A), 1–2 presenters
Oral presentations that may be delivered individually or as part of a group discussion. Presenters share their ideas, experiences, and perspectives gleaned from their research, practice, or policy background and/or focus. These sessions provide the audience with opportunities for participation and engagement, and they serve as springboards stimulating further discussion, dialogue, reflection, and action.
Poster Session
A summary of an academically sound, scholarly or creative project presented in a visually engaging format, highlighting work through charts, graphs, maps, etc. Proposals should include the main topic(s) and description of the visual display.
Note: An individual may be a first author on only one proposal. However, that individual may be a co-author/presenter on another proposal.
Abstract Submission Guidelines
Presenters are encouraged to submit and present in English.
Please provide the following details:
- Sub-theme
- Preferred presentation format
- Title - 20 words max
- Abstract - 150 words max, clearly highlighting the relevance and quality of your research
- Presenter details – 100 words each presenter, including name(s), affiliation(s), country(ies), and email address(es)