在这三部著作中,Krashen 通过对第二语言习得过程的分析,系统地阐述了他的外语教学思想和体系。Krashen 的第二语言习得理论主要由以下五个假设组成:
1. 习得—学习差异假设 (The Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis)
2. 监检假设 (The Monitor Hypothesis)
3. 输入假设 (The Input Hypothesis)
4. 情感过滤假设 (The Affective Filter Hypothesis)
5. 自然顺序假设 (The Natural Order Hypothesis)
可以说,在第二语言习得研究领域成就最大、影响最广的就是 Stephen Krashen。他的第二语言习得理论的提出实质上是对近二三十年来第二语言或外语学习研究的总结,并把各种研究成果加以理论化、系统化,使之成为自成体系的学说。
Stephen Krashen has published over 500 articles and a dozen scholarly books in the fields of literacy, language acquisition, neurolinguistics, and bilingual education. He is the most frequently cited scholar in the field of language education.