This Assembly accepts academic articles, research papers and review articles typed in English from all conference attendees. Papers accepted for Global English Education China Assembly after the double-blind peer review process will be published as a special issue in the following three journals.
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International Journal of TESOL Studies (IJTS) is a fully peer-reviewed international academic journal semiyearly co-published by Cranmore Publications and Clifford Publishing, UK. It publishes both original empirical research and systematic review studies on teaching and learning English as a second and foreign language at all education levels. It has been included/indexed/listed by ProQuest, EBSCOhost, MLA Directory of Periodicals, CNKI, Gale, BASE, DRJI, Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar, ICI Journal Master List, WAC Clearinghouse Journal Listings, ORE Directory, and WorldCat. |
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Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics (CJAL) is the affiliated journal of China English Language Education Association (CELEA). It is the first English language teaching (ELT) academic journal in China that is published in English. It has been indexed by ECSI since 2016 and by Scopus of Elsevier since 2017. It has also been indexed by CNKI, EBSCO, Linguistics Abstracts Online and MLA International Bibliography.
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International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching (IJCALLT) is a fully peer-reviewed international academic journal quarterly published by IGI Global, USA. It publishes research, theory and conceptually-based papers that address the impact of information and communication technologies and innovations in advancing foreign/second language learning and teaching. Its editorial board consists of international renowned experts and scholars in the field of computer assisted instruction. The journal has been included by 15 databases including Web of Science, ESCI, SCOPUS, INSPEC, and ProQuest. |
01 Key facts
■ Word limit:max 7000 words
■ Style:APA
■ Submission deadline:April 30, 2021
02 Submission
■ Manuscripts submit to IJTS and CJAL:
■ Manuscripts submit to IJCALLT:
Please submit your manuscript via online platform:
03 Journal Website
04 Guest Editors
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Rining WEI (Tony), PhD, teaches courses related to bilingualism and research methods at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, at the Department of Applied Linguistics, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU), China’s largest Sino-foreign university. Dr Wei directs the MA TESOL Programme, XJTLU’s largest postgraduate degree programmes. He has supervised master’s and PhD dissertation projects covering topics such as English for Specific Purposes (ESP) and individual differences in L2 learning. His areas of research include multilingualism, geronto-linguistics, and quantitative methodology. He has published in journals including Bilingualism: Language & Cognition, English Today, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, Journalism, System, and World Englishes. He serves as an Associate Editor for the TESOL International Journal(Scopus-indexed) and as Statistics Editor for the International Journal of TESOL Studies. |
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Dr. Jim Hu received his Ph.D. from the University of British Columbia and is an Associate Professor at Thompson Rivers University, Canada. His research interests include academic writing, English for the workplace, pedagogical grammar, second language acquisition, international education, and qualitative methods. His research has appeared in journals such as Journal of Response to Writing, Comparative and International Education, The Qualitative Report, TESL Canada Journal, and BC TEAL Journal. He is a frequent presenter at international conferences and regularly reviews for journals and conferences. His research has received grants from TRU, BC TEAL, and SSHRC. |
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Dr. Barry Lee Reynolds is Assistant Professor of English Education in the Faculty of Education at the University of Macau. He has published over 60 articles in flagship journals and co-edited several journal special issues and books. His recent co-edited volumes include Innovative Approaches in Teaching English Writing to Chinese Speakers (2021, De Gruyter Mouton) and English Literacy Instruction for Chinese Speakers (2019, Palgrave). Dr. Reynolds serves on the editorial board for English Teaching & Learning, Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, and The Linguistics Journal and serves as Section Editor (First Language Acquisition and Second Language Acquisition / Second Language Education) for Open Linguistics. |
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Andy Gao is Associate Professor at University of New South Wales, Australia. He co-edits System: An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics for Elsevier, and serves on the editorial boards of journals including Asia Pacific Education Researcher, Journal of Language, Identity and Education, and Teacher Development. His research interests include international students’ educational experiences, language learner autonomy, language education policy and language teacher education. Relevant publications have appeared in journals such as English Language Teaching Journal, Journal of Language, Identity and Education, Language Teaching, Language Teaching Research, Studies in Higher Education, System, Teaching and Teacher Education, and TESOL Quarterly. |
05 Review Policy
Manuscripts will be firstly screened by the editorial team. If approved, it will be passed on to two more anonymous reviewers according to their expertise. The double-blind review process will be used. The editorial team reserves the right to accept or reject articles and unpublished manuscripts will not be returned.
06 Style Guide
Language and font: Manuscripts must be in English. Use Times New Roman 11 point and 1.5 line spacing. Set all margins to 2.5 cm.
Length: Articles, research papers, and review articles should be less 7,000 words.
Themes of papers acceptable
- Teacher education and professional development
- Student-centered practices in the ELT classroom
- Motivating and Managing Classes
- Reading literacy
- Curriculum development and material design
- Language testing and assessment
- AI and foreign language teaching
- Research on critical thinking
- English for specific/academic purposes
- English education in rural areas
- Public speaking and spoken-English teaching
- Academic research and publishing
Authors: Give the full name of all authors and their complete addresses, as well as contact information for the corresponding author, complete mailing address, and e-mail address.
Abstract: The abstract should not exceed 250 words, clearly summarizing the important findings of the paper. It should contain hard facts such as objectives, methods and major results.
Keywords: Provide 3-5 keywords which help direct readers through the article.
Introduction:The introduction must provide the necessary background of the paper and a brief review of related literature. A clear statement of the objectives should also be included.
Materials and Methods: Describe the experimental procedures clearly enough for others to repeat the same experiment so that the same result could be obtained. A careful discussion of the methodology will include exactly who the population was, how many subjects participated, what the procedures were, where the research took place, how long the research procedure lasted, and all other details of the instruments (including the exact survey questions, for example). In the case of experimental research, the description should include how the control group’s instruction covered the same content, length of time, and learning outcomes as that of the experimental group(s). In general, this part of the article will be at least 25% of the total article.
Results and Discussion: This section should contain “Results” and interpretation of the results in relation to existing knowledge. This section should begin with exactly what the data showed and then describe the author’s interpretation of the data.
Conclusions: State conclusion (do not summarize) briefly. Headings and sub-headings should be left aligned, with the first letter capitalized.
Other requirements: Indicate new paragraphs by using one extra line space. Short quotations should be incorporated into the text and enclosed with double quotation marks. Quotations of more than about 40 words should be set off from the main text body by indentation, without any quotation marks. Manuscripts should follow the APA referencing style. That is, references in the text should be ordered alphabetically and contained the name of the author and the year of publication, e.g. (Thomas, 2001). References listed at the end should be in alphabetical order by first author’s family name and be consistent with APA referencing style. For direct quotations, include the relevant page number(s), e.g. (Thomas, 2001, p.34). Tables, figures or diagrams should be numbered consecutively and included in the relevant part of the text. Each should have an explanatory title. Numbers up to and including ten should be spelt out and numbers over ten should be expressed as figures.
Standard of English: Before submitting articles for consideration, authors are solely responsible for ensuring that their manuscripts have been thoroughly proofread and edited to achieve the appropriate standard of professional English. Global English Education China Assembly should not be expected to improve the quality of the writer’s English. Manuscripts that do not meet this requirement will be rejected or returned to the authors for revision before the peer review process is undertaken.
07 Contact us
Tel: 010-64996408