




时间:5月25日 9:30-11:00 

主讲专家:新加坡南洋理工大学 Icy Lee教授


  Voice in writing serves as a distinctive expression of the author's individuality and identity. Rather than being a mere optional element, writers utilize linguistic, rhetorical, and cultural resources to construct their unique voices in academic writing. Despite its significance, L2 writers often encounter challenges in achieving a clear, authoritative voice. This webinar aims to acquaint participants with the notion of voice in academic writing, shedding light on thespecific hurdles faced by L2 writers. It also introduces practical strategies to help participants acquire a credible and distinctive voice in their academic writing endeavor.

授课教师Icy Lee教授
Icy Lee is a Professor of English Language Teaching at the National Institute of Education (NIE) in Singapore, where she has a research focus on second language writing and teacher education. She has delivered over 200 talks, including invited and plenary conference presentations in Brunei, Japan, Korea, China, New Zealand, Singapore, Spain, Thailand, and the US. Her publications, numbering over 150 and comprising journal articles, book chapters and others, have appeared in more than 15 international journals in the fields of TESOL and teacher education, such as TESOL Quarterly, Journal of Second Language Writing, Language Teaching, and Research Papers in Education.